Monday, November 21, 2011

10 natural ways to prevent prostate cancer

Here are 10 natural ways to prevent prostate cancer, using the healthy habits of daily life to use homeopathic remedies that are effective:
  1. Drinking water 8 to 12 glasses every day. Water helps expedite the disposal of small water body (urination) so that the urinary tract clean.
  2. Drinking pomegranate juice as an additional daily intake, can prevent Furthermore, pomegranate juice can cure prostate cancer. 8 0z drink pomegranate juice every day may lower PSA levels of men with prostate cancer. 
  3. Do a healthy diet prostate cancer. Avoid eating red meat, from a research note that there is a strong correlation between red meat intake with prostate cancer. Eat cereals such as wheat, oats and bran to maintain quality of protein intake in the body. 

Cancer Cervix

Cervical Cancer (Cervical Cancer) or cervical cancer? Cervical cancer is not a foreign name. Especially for women is the most terrible scourge. Here are 13 facts about cervical cancer that we must know:

1. What is cervical cancer? 

Cervical cancer is cancer that occurs in the cervical region. That area on the female reproductive organ which is the entrance to the uterus. It lies between the womb (uterus) with a hole intercourse female (vagina).

99.7% of these cancers are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) oncogenic, which attacks the cervix. Starting occur in the cervix, when it has entered advanced stages, this cancer can spread to other organs throughout the body.

Breast cancer drugs, symptoms, and prevention

Breast cancer is the fruit of the changes in cells undergoing abnormal growth and uncontrolled. Increased number of abnormal cells form a lump that is commonly called tumor or cancer. Not all tumors are cancerous. Cancerous tumors are called malignant tumors, while not cancer are called benign tumors.

Breast cancer cancer among the most widely discussed because of ferocity that often end in death. Breast cancer will show peculiar to the attack sufferers. malignancy these cancers showed by attacking surrounding nomal cells, especially cells that are weak. Cancer cells grow rapidly ajan once, so that patients would be enlarged breasts usually not bleak.