Monday, November 21, 2011

Breast cancer drugs, symptoms, and prevention

Breast cancer is the fruit of the changes in cells undergoing abnormal growth and uncontrolled. Increased number of abnormal cells form a lump that is commonly called tumor or cancer. Not all tumors are cancerous. Cancerous tumors are called malignant tumors, while not cancer are called benign tumors.

Breast cancer cancer among the most widely discussed because of ferocity that often end in death. Breast cancer will show peculiar to the attack sufferers. malignancy these cancers showed by attacking surrounding nomal cells, especially cells that are weak. Cancer cells grow rapidly ajan once, so that patients would be enlarged breasts usually not bleak.

The symptoms are Indicates presence of Attack Cancer which can generally be seen and felt: 
  • Arise in the breast lump that can be touched by hand, more and more hardened and this lump of irregular shape
  • Shape, size or weight of one breast changes
  • Small lump under the armpit arise
  • Out blood, pus, or a watery fluid from the nipple
  • Breast skin wrinkled like an orange peel
  • Shape or direction of nipple changes, such as the nipples pressed into the
Prevention of breast cancer
Breast cancer can be prevented by:
  •  Avoid the use of the bra is too tight for a long time
  • Avoid a lot of smoke and consume alcohol
  • Do a breast self-examination every month
  • Avoid too much exposed to x-rays or other types of radiation
  • Keep your health by consuming fruits and vegetables fresh. We recommend that you frequently consume soy and dairy products, such as tofu, tempeh, and soy milk, because soy contains phyto estrogens, namely genistein, which is useful for reducing the risk of breast cancer
  • Do regular exercise
  • Avoid eating too many high fat foods
  • Cope with stress as well, such as through relaxation and meditation
  • Eat salad turmeric facility, (Intersection of mango) is more or less two knuckles every day

Tremendous sense of pain in cancer is one of prolonged suffering to be borne by people with cancer. The handling of this pain, in the world of modern medicine proved to be one of the most difficult problems to overcome. From these observations, the difficulty of handling the problem of pain is caused by the subjective and psychological factors. Besides, some drugs used to combat pain can lead to dependence on the drug and trigger atherogenic disease.

The materials Allegedly Triggers Cancer.
Triggers are basically NOT YET KNOWN cancer for sure, but there are materials that are suspected as a trigger cancer. The material is called carcinogenic.
The materials included in the group of carcinogens, namely:

Chemical compounds, such as aflatoxin B1, ethionine, saccarin, asbestos, nickel, chrome, arsenic, charcoal, Tarr, smoke cigarettes, and oral contraceptives. Physical factors, such as solar radiation, x-rays, nuclear, and radionukleide.Viruses, such as RNA viruses (fam. retroviruses), DNA viruses (papilloma virus, adeno virus, herpes virus), EB virus Chronic irritation and chronic inflammation may develop into cancer Genetic weakness in the body's cells, thus facilitating the emergence of cancer.

Stage Breast Cancer
In breast cancer there is an early stage (0, 1 and 2) and advanced stage (3 and 4). Stage 0 means there are cancer cells in the lining of the mammary gland or milk ducts but has not spread into surrounding fatty tissue. In stage 1 and 2, the cancer has spread from the mammary gland or milk ducts to nearby tissues around it. In stage 2 cancer sometimes have begun to disrupt the lymph nodes. Arguably stage 3 breast cancer in an advanced stage locally, where the tumor diameter was more than two inches, and often has spread to lymph nodes near the breast. In stage 4 metastatic cancer, meaning the cancer has spread from the breast and lymph nodes around the armpit, to other parts of the body such as bone, liver, lungs and brain.

Cancer of the breast that can swell and break, if you have this rotten and rancid odor coming out of breasts. Another complaint is the shortness of breath due to lung cancer suppress.

Prohibition or Restrictions Breast Cancer.
If we are stricken with breast cancer, we should avoid or reduce the consumption of some types of food intake. Because there are times when certain foods or beverages will spur the growth of abnormal cells, including breast cancer. There is growing among which contain substances that if intake will stimulate cancerous enlargement. There also contain carcinogenic due to the preservation process. And some are going to reduce the effects if consumed drug in the body of work.

Some foods and beverages are recommended to avoid or reduce their consumption:
  1. Bean sprouts
  2. MSG
  3. Tape
  4. Ice
  5. Chili
  6. Reduce salt
  7. Litchi
  8. Alcohol
  9. Pineapple
  10. Chicory
  11. Red Meat
  12. Cigarette
  13. Jackfruit
  14. Durian
  15. Soft drinks
  16. Kangkung
  17. Salted fish

The suggestion in the Treatment of Breast Cancer.
There are some food that is recommended to be consumed on a regular basis. Consumption may be only one type of material or a mixture of several ingredients. If we are stricken with breast cancer, it is recommended to drink juice the following ingredients, do one glass twice a day.
  1. Carrots
  2. Radish
  3. Plantain
  4. Carambola sweet
  5. Celery
  6. Broccoli
  7. Cabbage
  8. Apple
  9. Garlic
Drinking half a glass of soy milk as well, do it two times a day, or always consume 100 grams tempe every day.

Various Green Vegetables Cancer Prevention:
  1. Bean
  2. Cassava leaves
  3. Long beans
  4. Papaya leaf

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